请按Windows+R输入services.msc打开之后检查一下是否有Microsoft Office clicktorun service ,请右键停止是否正常呢? 希望以上的信息可以帮助到您。 我不是微软员工,也不在社区工作。即使您不同意我的观点,也请保持开放和包容的心态参与讨论,并
Running Jira applications as a Windows service - Atlassian For Windows servers, this means configuring Jira to run as a Windows service. Running Jira as a Windows service has other advantages. When started manually, a console window opens, and there is a risk of someone accidentally shutting down Jira by closing this window. Also, the Jira logs are properly managed by the Windows service (found in logs Natapp(Ngrok) Windows下注册为服务,开机启动& … Natapp(Ngrok) Windows下注册服务,开机启动&后台运行natapp是基于ngrok的国内高速内网穿透专业服务商,独家彻底解决ngrok1.7内存泄漏问题.稳定拒绝掉线,适用于微信开发调试,本地架设演示服务器,外网可以访问,远程服务器,远程桌面,远程办公,游戏联机等 Run as Windows Service - proxifier.com Run as Windows Service Standard Edition only . You can run Proxifier as Windows Service with SrvAny tool from Microsoft. This allows you run Proxifier in the background when there is no active user logged on the system. To configure Proxifier as a Windows Service, please do the following: How to run the .jar file as a windows service - Quora
Run the GoToAssist Corporate Customer software as a service. In the HelpAlert Viewer, select System > Run as a Service from the menu. Note: If Run as a Service is grayed out, then the software may already be running as a service or the feature may not be enabled on your account. Click Yes to confirm when prompted.
2018-5-1 · If you want to pass additional options to service installer as PR_* environment variables, you have to either configure them globally in OS, or launch the program that sets them with elevated privileges (e.g. right-click on cmd.exe and select "Run as administrator"; on Windows 8 (or later) or Windows Server 2012 (or later), you can open an Start or stop Windows service from command line (CMD) 2020-7-23 · We normally use Services.msc to start or stop or disable or enable any service. We can do the same from windows command line also using net and sc utilities. Below are commands for controlling the operation of a service. Command to stop a service: net stop servicename To start a service: net start servicename You
Run as a Service: AlwaysUp installs any Windows 2019/10/2016/8/2012 GUI application as a Windows Service, starting it at boot and monitoring it to ensure that it is always running, 24/7, even if it crashes, hangs, or fails. Download the free 30-day trial today.
2020-7-24 · Get started with Docker for Windows Estimated reading time: 21 minutes Welcome to Docker Desktop! The Docker Desktop for Windows section contains information about the Docker Desktop Community Stable release. For information about features available in Edge releases, see the Edge release notes.For information about Docker Desktop Enterprise (DDE) releases, see Docker Desktop … windows无法启动MS Office Click To Run Service … windows无法启动MS Office Click To Run Service服务 刚刚发现不能正常打开word 2016,打开之后出现以下提示: 接着我就去MS Office 官网下载自动修复器,按照提示把Office卸载了,准备重新安装,但是并不能 … UniFi - Run the Controller as a Windows Service – Ubiquiti The service launches upon startup, without any intervention from the user. The service is a direct replacement for running the controller software manually (via the icon or a scheduled task), so there is no need to run the UniFi Network Controller application if it is being run as a Windows service. How to enable and use the "Run As" feature in Windows 2018-4-19 · To use the "Run as" feature, the Secondary Logon service must be running. Enable the Secondary Logon Service By default, the Secondary Logon service starts automatically when you start Windows. However, an administrator can disable the service. To enable the service if it is disabled: Log on as Administrator or as a member of the Administrators