How to Repair Devcon.exe (Free Download)

devcon.exe Windows process - What is it? What is devcon.exe? The .exe extension on a filename indicates an exe cutable file. Executable files may, in some cases, harm your computer. Therefore, please read below to decide for yourself whether the devcon.exe on your computer is a Trojan that you should remove, or whether it is a file belonging to the Windows operating system or to a trusted application. Devcon - Windows CMD - DEVCON.exe (Download via Windows Driver Kit or quick .cab download). Device Manager. Syntax devcon.exe [-r] [-m:\\machine] command [arg] devcon.exe help command Key -r Reboot the machine after command is complete, if needed.machine Name of target machine.command The command to perform (see below).argOne or more arguments if required by command. Manage Windows Drivers using DevCon command line tool

C:\hg\devcon\x64\devcon.exe classfilter HIDClass upper !HidGuardian C:\hg\devcon\x64\devcon.exe remove Root\HidGuardian Hint It might have accidentally happened that your system has more than one virtual device.

Enable/Disable drivers in one click using DevCon + Batch Nov 24, 2011

DEVCON.exe (Download via Windows Driver Kit or quick .cab download). Device Manager. Syntax devcon.exe [-r] [-m:\\machine] command [arg] devcon.exe help command Key -r Reboot the machine after command is complete, if needed.machine Name of target machine.command The command to perform (see below).argOne or more arguments if required by command.

devcon.exe disable "@" In your case: devcon.exe disable "@ACPI\SYN1ECA\4&22077A96&0" If this also doesn't work you should use the remove command. remove works almost always, but the device will be back after you restart the system. devcon.exe remove "@" Enable/Disable a Device from the Command Line - CCM