Just choose the browsing history category and click the button labeled "Start Scan" on the top right. After that, iOS Cleaner will scan out all web browsing history for your reference. Step 3. Instantly to delete Google history on iPhone. Click the box next to all the Google history you want to permanently erase. Finally, click "Clean" and all
To delete recent searches that show up below the search bar: On your iPhone or iPad, open the Google app . Tap the search bar View all. Find the search you want to remove, then swipe it to the left. Tap Delete. Delete all past searches. On your iPhone or iPad, open the Google app . Tap the search bar View all. Tap Clear all Clear on-device history. 2 days ago · How to Automatically Delete Google Maps Search History on iPhone & iPad First of all, make sure you’ve installed the latest version of Google Maps from the App Store . You need to be logged into Google Maps with your Google account in order to take advantage of this nifty auto-delete history feature. The Google search engine is featured on the iPhone both via Safari and through its Google Mobile app. Its revolutionary search features are available in mobile form for users who need to access these functions on the go. Like the original Google home page, users can clear their search history on their iPhone for privacy issues. 4 Via Google Search App. You can also clear search history from the Google Search app. The method to do this is quite similar to erasing history in Chrome. Step 1. Open Google Search app on your iPhone. Step 2. Open the Settings menu using the Gear button located in the upper-left corner of the app. Step 3. Once in the Settings section, find
Nov 03, 2018 · The ultimate guide to delete Google Earth App Search history on iPhone. The Google Earth App #1 travel time app and that is a great boon by Google for the world’s internet users. It has a flight simulator through that you can be viewed around the planet such as Street view, Cities, places, business and 3D imagery etc. Hope, you explore many
2 days ago · How to Automatically Delete Google Maps Search History on iPhone & iPad First of all, make sure you’ve installed the latest version of Google Maps from the App Store . You need to be logged into Google Maps with your Google account in order to take advantage of this nifty auto-delete history feature. The Google search engine is featured on the iPhone both via Safari and through its Google Mobile app. Its revolutionary search features are available in mobile form for users who need to access these functions on the go. Like the original Google home page, users can clear their search history on their iPhone for privacy issues. 4 Via Google Search App. You can also clear search history from the Google Search app. The method to do this is quite similar to erasing history in Chrome. Step 1. Open Google Search app on your iPhone. Step 2. Open the Settings menu using the Gear button located in the upper-left corner of the app. Step 3. Once in the Settings section, find Delete all places from your history. On your iPhone or iPad, open the Google Maps app and sign in. Tap your profile picture or initial Settings Maps history. In the search bar at the top, tap More Delete activity by. To delete by date: Under the "Delete by date" section choose a date range. To delete all your history: Under the "Delete by date
Apr 11, 2017 · All the news on Apple iPhone 6s Plus in our articles. How to delete history on your Apple iPhone 6s Plus. You may be sick of seeing your search history permanently displayed, or you simply want to free some memory space up on your Apple iPhone 6s Plus. We have found several solutions to clear the history of your device.
Jul 10, 2017 · From this page, you can delete all of your activity for all monitored searches, websites, and Android apps. Under “Delete by date,” select “All time.” You can leave the default “All products” selected, or choose only “Search” to delete just your Google search history. How to delete your Google search history on Safari Start by opening up the Safari browser and going to Google.com. And make sure you're logged into your account.